Reflections & Shadows

The following project titled “Water Reflexions & Shadows” is a lighting design concept for the lobby as well as the interior & exterior recreational areas of a luxury spa resort, using a unique technique with led lights & liquid elements.

The videos present Constantinos Tseklenis lighting design concept for the light well of the atrium which is located in the center of the architectural project, for which he has proposed a certain technical infrastructure, involving mini pools, water features and plexi-glass tanks filled with a mixture of colored mineral oil and water. Also a metallic Kevlar fabric screen element in the interior architecture, on which the water reflexions and shadows will be projected in both day and night lighting conditions.

His design concept is based in creating a water feature on the roof garden that will look as an overflow swimming pool. Next, by producing water movement and turbulence, using water flow and compressed air or by the guests while swimming in the pool, sunlight during the day or artificial lighting at night, by penetrating the pools’ water body and the glass bottom bed of the pool, create light and shadow movement schemes reflecting on the walls of the lobby’s architectural design. Lightrays will also penetrate moving plexiglass liquid panels – filled with colored mineral oil & water – hanging below the pool᾽s bed and finally get projected on the interior canvas of the light-well in the Atrium. Constantinos collaborated with architect Dimitris Kiriazis to design the development concept and the construction elements.

His design concept is based in creating a water feature on the roof garden that will look as an overflow swimming pool. Next, by producing water movement and turbulence, using water flow and compressed air or by the guests while swimming in the pool, sunlight as well as artificial lighting by penetrating the pools’ water body and the glass bottom bed of the pool, create light and shadow movement schemes reflecting on the walls of the lobby’s architectural design. Lightrays will also penetrate moving plexiglass liquid panels – filled with colored mineral oil & water – hanging below the pool᾽s bed and finally get projected on the interior canvas of the light-well in the Atrium. Constantinos collaborated with architect Dimitris Kiriazis to design the layout development and the construction elements.

The video above shows studio tests made with mineral oil colors, using various techniques of solvents and water dyes into liquid mixtures, that produce desired effects and visuals. Various different visual results are produced, depending on the percentage ratio between oil and water and the quantity or quality of the color dye. Last but not least, please note that the liquids transparency alternatively works well with video back projections creating intresting lighting results.
